I've been browsing around the blogs that I know and I don't know who the author is and I accidentally found a couple that intrigues me to write this body of my post. These blogs were talking about groups that are present in their surroundings and how they feel about those groups. One of the blogs mentioned how it would be better for the groups to act like this and that and the other was telling the other blog to do this and that and said some of this and that, which in the end brought to THIS and THAT. Got it?
Ok, leave that behind. I don't want to talk much about those this and that but what I want to bring here is something behind those talkings and writings and blamings and labellings and what ever -ings that come to your mind(not mine). If you're gonna talk about poeple, you can always talk about people. If you're gonna blame people, you can always do that as well. You can do what ever things you are pleased with, but remember that there's something under the blanket that you need to be aware of. Often that we forget to lift the blanket and look what's under it when we've left it for a while. What I'm trying to convey here is that, when you do something, whether good or bad, you'll have to expect something as a result from what you did.
I wouldn't want to give bad examples, so here are some good examples. If you do a good deed, you might receive a good deed back or something nice for what you've done. If you help somebody, at least you'll get a smile and a bunch of thanks. When you perform solah, insyaAllah, you'll get the redha of Allah, if you're sincere in performing it. If you give sadakah, you might also earn the redha of Allah; once again, if you're sincere. So when you do something good with sincerity, insyaAllah, you'll get something from Allah. Might it not be here in this world, wait till they are shown to you in the akhirat. Anything good you do for the sake of Allah, you'll earn the benefit, insyaAllah.
Hence taking the equation into opposite form, you'll find that when you do a bad deed, you'll have to be ready for the consequences. When you talk bad things about people, you'll have to be ready for people of no or little understanding to talk about you back. And if not, you'll just have to get ready for the akhirat which is to take back what you've said and repent from those people and to Allah most importantly. If you harm somebody, just as before, you should apologise and repent or you'll be harmed. And for all the bad things you've done, you should repent if you don't want to be judged as a member of the jahanam. I don't want to talk much about the consequences in this world, but I fear more for the consequences in the akhirat that might be on you or me. So think about it. The price tag is there, dude! Don't pretend you can't see it.
Just a simple entry for the moment. I'm working on an entry that I pressume will be a long and heavy one. It might take a while for me to get it done cause I'm not born to write entries and update my blog everyday. InsyaAllah till the next entry.
99: 7-8
salam. i've read the so-called blog too. astaghfirullah they were judging people by using "neraca dunia" (don't know what it means in English) not the "neraca langit". i've also commented on the entry too. i was burning at that time but i responsed softly to them. how coward i am.
well..i have through so many of this kind of people..and you know a girl once talk straight to my face telling this and that..well my advise is just smile but not to her..but to your ikhwah and say that..they know but they just dont want.....
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